Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Why did Social Security Disability say ________?

When going through the Social Security Disability process, you’re going to get a lot of letters. Everyone who goes through the process gets these letters, which means that Social Security is sending out thousands of letters every day. To be more efficient, Social Security doesn’t write a letter to you about you. Social Security uses pre-written letters that they mail out in certain situations.

Most of the content of those letters doesn’t apply to you or isn’t important in your case. In fact, pretty much everything Social Security sends you can be boiled down to a single important sentence. For example, a standard denial letter can be up to 10 pages and make it seem like a real person has reviewed your case and made a determination. In reality, a lot of people all got an identical letter that same day. The only line that matters is near the bottom of the first page where it says that the claim was denied for a medical reason.

One of the biggest advantages of having an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer on your side is that the lawyer has read these letters hundreds of times. Your lawyer will know what line matters and can help to translate long, confusing letters into a simple, straight forward statement.